The Very Useful Piano Library: WunderKeys Supplemental Songbook Series

Wunderkeys Supplemental Songbooks. the Very Useful Piano Library piano method review. the tattooed piano teacher.
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If you’ve been searching for the perfect supplemental piano book for your students, Andrea and Trevor Dow’s Very Useful Piano Library is worth checking out!

Unlike other songbooks, these mini-books hone in on one music theory concept using one hand position to give each of your students exactly the review they need.

These books, designed to complement the WunderKeys piano method book series, are flexible and work with any lesson books. If you’d like to learn more about the WunderKeys core lesson books, check out my full review here.

So, whether you already know and love the WunderKeys books, or you are unfamiliar with the WunderKeys world, come along as we explore these unique Primer and Elementary micro-leveled books.

The Very Useful Piano Library: An Extensive Library

When we say extensive…we mean there are several choices for each WunderKey method level (whether or not you are using them with the WunderKeys series).

The books are leveled from Level A to Level Q and cover micro-levels within the Primer and Elementary levels to hone in on just what your student needs to review.

Be sure to read on for a quick reference guide PDF you can save to help you choose the right book for the right student at any time during their journey.

All Levels of the Very Useful Piano Library

Here is a list of all of the Very Useful Piano Library levels:

Next, let’s talk about all of the unique features of these books and what you’ll find inside. And then, I’ll share my own little personal guide on which book to use with which student at what time.

What’s Inside the Very Useful Piano Library books?

No matter which level you order, you’ll find the same format for all books in the Very Useful Piano Library.

The format of each book goes something like this…


Each book begins with two pages of warm-ups.

These warm-ups are one-line mini-songs designed to hone in on a technical feat for the hand or hands. For example, one warm-up may help students remember how to play steps in their left hand, and then the next warm-up would then have them playing parallel steps with their hands together.

wundekreys supplemental books very useful piano library warm-ups. the tattooed piano teacher

I have students come back to these pages as their warm-ups for the duration of working through the book. To make things more fun (and save time in lessons), I have them:

Roll a single die.

If they roll a 1, they play the first warm-up. If they roll a 2, they play the second warm-up. Etc.

If they roll a 6, they pick their favorite.

The Magic is in the Story

Next, students will find two songs in a row that introduce the main character and the beginning of the story.

Each of these books tells a story with a moral progressively throughout the book through the images, titles, and lyrics.

In the case of the Rainbow Salad Songbook, Level J, the story goes like this:

  • A unicorn spends his days watching TV and eating junk food.
  • He has lost all of his rainbow colors!
  • One by one, his animal friends visit him and have him try different fruits and vegetables.
wunderkeys supplemental books, very useful piano library rainbow salad songbook, colors fade. the tattooed piano teacher
  • And one by one, his colors return!
wunderkeys rainbow salad songbook. very useful piano library. rainbow's return. the tattooed piano teacher

The Songs: One Hand Position, Cute Lyrics

Each book in the Very Useful Piano Library uses only One Hand Position, meaning students are really focusing on mastering a specific set of notes on the staff.

Each book contains 8 SONGS in all. Seven songs are two-page solos (as shown above), and one final song is presented with a teacher duet.

wunderkeys supplemental songs. rainbow salad songbook. teacher duet. the tattooed piano teacher

Although the songs use a limited number of notes (being in one position), they are not boring!

So, how do these songs sound good and keep students engaged?

There are a few factors that make the songs fun and engaging:

  1. The songs continue the STORYLINE.
  2. The songs have cute LYRICS.
  3. The songs use familiar TUNES, such as classical themes or folk melodies (not every song, but some).
  4. The songs include what I call musical SURPRISES–little gimmicky extras that students love to add in. This could be playing the highest or lowest C on the piano to end a song, or moving the hands one octave, or a glissando, or stomping the feet. Just little easy-to-execute technical feats that make the songs fun to play.

Theory Pages Included

Each book in the Very Useful Piano Library includes theory pages scattered throughout the book.

wunderkeys supplemental. rainbow salad songbook. theory pages. the tattooed piano teacher

You’ll find theory pages where students…

  • Identify notes
  • Draw notes
  • Tap rhythms
  • Sight-read
  • and Color By Note to create a picture
wunderkeys very useful piano library practice tracker. the rainbow salad songbook. the tattooed piano teacher.

Practice Tracker & Completion Certificate

And at the end, you’ll find a story-themed practice tracker to match elements from the book’s storyline, as well as a certificate of completion.

My Very Useful Piano Library Guide

And now, as promised, the free guide to help you know which of the Very Useful Piano Library books to order!

So, if you’re using the WunderKeys Primer or Elementary books, this guide will help you know exactly which micro-level of the VUPL will give your student exactly the review or challenge they need to master their current level!

And, when you’re ready to order, a FULL LIST OF ALL BOOKS WITH LINKS can be found below for your convenience.

free level guide for wunderkeys supplemental songbooks. the very useful piano library. freebie. the tattooed piano teacher

All Books in the Very Useful Piano Library

Level A

Level B

Level C

Level D

Level E

Level F

Level G

Level H

Level I

Level J

Level K

Level L

Level M

Level N

Level O

Level P

Level Q

Level X (Intermediate)

level 1 supplemental piano songbook. a day at the zoo. piano skill set.

My Supplemental Songbooks: Piano Skill Set

And if you’re searching for fun and engaging supplemental books for your piano students, be sure to check out my full line of books (a work in progress).

Piano Skill Set books are designed to complement WunderKeys method books or any other series you use with your students.

There are currently four types of books in the series (hopefully expanding in the future):

  • Writing Books (theory workbooks)
  • Technique Books
  • Songbooks
  • Practice Record Books
Piano Skill Set Writing and Technique Books. All levels

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