Partner Lessons: My Favorite Way to Teach Beginner Piano Lessons

Partner lessons are the perfect way to make piano lessons more fun and engaging while increasing your hourly income as a piano teacher. Here’s how I run my partner lessons.
Tenuto App Review: Best Music Theory App for Piano Teachers

Today I’m sharing one of my favorite tools for introducing and reviewing music theory concepts to my piano students.
Why Do So Many Piano Students Quit at Level 3?

Students hitting a wall at Level 3? Drop in interest or practice? There’s a reason for that!
Taxes for Piano Teachers: Don’t Miss These 16 Tax Deductions

Make sure you’re not missing out on any piano teacher tax deductions this year. Let’s get you organized and all ready to visit your tax professional.
Mistakes I Made Hiring Another Piano Teacher

Thinking about hiring another piano teacher to expand your studio? Have you thought through all of the pros and cons?
How to Raise Rates as a Piano Teacher

I’m giving myself a raise this year…here’s why!
Piano Teacher Reset: Setting Goals For the Year

Small business owners are busy, but busy doesn’t equal productive! Make sure you’re using your time wisely by doing a piano teacher reset.
Goal Setting for Your Piano Teaching Business [Free PDF]

Start with your biggest dreams! Then determine the everyday steps that will get you there.
Piano Made Fun for the Young: The Best Piano Method for Young Beginners You’ve Never Heard Of

I tried Piano Made Fun For the Young with my young beginners. Can a piano method book with no color really capture a child’s imagination? I was surprised by the results!
The Ultimate Piano Method Comparison Chart [Free PDF]

Free PDF Download: The Ultimate Piano Method Comparison Chart includes 20 different piano method book series!