Find Your Perfect Piano Practice Routine

Your piano practice routine can mean the difference between progressing quickly or slowly at the piano! But how much do you need to practice the piano in order to see results? Today I’m answering all of your questions about piano practice based on decades of experience as a pianist and teacher. How Much Should I […]
How Long Should Piano Lessons Be? A Case for 40-minute lessons

My favorite way to teach piano to beginners is 40-minute lessons. Here’s why you should try 40-minute lessons and how to price them. If this is your first stop on my website, hello! I’m Phoenix, the Tattooed Piano Teacher. Welcome and be sure to browse the site for helpful piano teacher resources and tips. If […]
Can a Piano Student Progress Without Practice?

If a piano student does not practice, can they still progress simply by showing up every week to their lessons? In this article, we’re talking about piano students who don’t practice! If you talk to piano teachers for any length of time, you’ll find that a common complaint is: “My students aren’t practicing!” Despite our […]
What to Teach at the First Piano Lesson: Transfer Student

The first lesson with a transfer student is so important! Let’s talk about what ISN’T your mission and what TO DO at that first piano lesson.
5 Best Books for Piano Teachers

Books for piano teachers: my top 5 recommendations. Here’s what you’ll gain as a piano teacher by reading each of these books.
Piano Student Red Flags: Motivating Through Mistakes

Serving every piano student equally is our goal, but we might have it backwards! As piano teachers, let’s shift our mindset from problem-solving to creative facilitating.
17 Ideas for Summer Music Classes, Workshops, and Camps

Consider offering summer music classes for your piano students! Here are 17 ideas to spark inspiration for your piano studio.
Music Composing Activity for Kids: Composition Cut-and-Paste

Looking for a fun music composing activity for kids? Try the Composition Cut-and-Paste workbooks with your piano students!
How to Teach Small Group Piano Lessons

Here’s how I run small group piano lessons teaching 3 or 4 students at a time for a fun and lucrative way to teach piano lessons.
Sample Lesson Plan: 6 Weeks of Beginner Partner Piano Lessons

So you like the idea of partner piano lessons! But how to organize a lesson? What books? What activities? Here’s a 6-week sample lesson plan.