My Story: Meet The Tattooed Piano Teacher

Starting Fresh At Age 40: My Story, The Tattooed Piano Teacher
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But something just clicked on my 40th birthday...

Table of Contents

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Piano Teacher Life

It’s weird when you’re a piano teacher – we begin, learn, and grow in our own little bubble.  There isn’t a built-in community.  There isn’t even a standard education system for aspiring piano teachers.  You’re sort of left out there on your own to figure everything out for yourself.

It’s easy to give in to imposter syndrome as a newbie piano teacher, feeling like you’re just making it up as you go along.

Turning Forty

But something just clicked on my 40th birthday.  Something about that number felt significant and I realized–I’ve been doing this for a while now.  I’ve figured it out.  And I know what I’m doing!

Suddenly I actually felt the authority I’ve been building for nearly two decades.  “Hey, I figured a lot of this piano teacher stuff out – and I can help others!”

My Next Calling

I’ve mentored dozens of students over the years, and I do plan to keep teaching piano lessons.  But I want to do more.  I want to help passionate, creative people become really awesome piano teachers.  I want to help the next generation of piano teachers!

Finding My People

It is scary to put yourself out there on the internet in an authentic way.  And in the age of social media, authenticity is hard to come by.  I’m hoping that by being real and being vulnerable, I can find ‘my people.’

So, who are my people?

Alternative Piano Teachers

Are you a current piano teacher?  

I don’t know if alternative is the right word, but if you march to the beat of your own drum… If you look at me and think, “We could maybe grab a coffee…”  If you are a forge-your-own-path type of creative…

I think you might be my people!

Future Piano Teachers

And I know there are people out there that have thought about becoming a piano teacher.  Maybe you’re toying with the idea but you’re not sure or you don’t know how to get started.

You might be my people!

Hello, Is There Anybody Out There?

If you feel like you could be ‘my people,’ would you please comment below?  I would love to know that you stopped by, how you found me, and who you are!

Let’s Connect!

Here are some ways to connect with me and follow my journey. I can’t wait to hear from you!

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