Today we dive into Faber Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Piano Method Books.

Adult students deserve a great piano method book series, too!
But can one book meet the needs of all your adult students? After all, as piano teachers, we know that each adult piano student comes to us with different experiences, talents, and dreams.
More than any other age group, adults need a piano method book series that moves along at just the right pace, instructs, entertains, encourages, and inspires.
That’s a big list of needs to live up to! Let’s see if the Faber Adult Piano Adventures books can meet the challenge.
What to Look For to Find the Best Piano Method Books

When looking for the best piano method books for an adult student, I like to compare using a set of criteria. Because many piano method books are very similar to each other at first glance, it helps to have specific categories.
The categories for comparing piano method books are:
- Pacing
- Positions
- Notation
- Theory
- Technique
- Levels/Path
- Aesthetics
- Song Selections
- Pricing
- Availability
Please check out this blog post where I go further in-depth on each category to fully understand what to look for when checking out a new piano method book.

Adult Piano Adventure vs. Faber Piano Adventures
The Fabers publish a few different piano method book series to suit the needs of various beginners:
- My First Piano Adventure is intended for ages 5-6
- Piano Adventures (Basic) is made for ages 7-11
- Accelerated Piano Adventures is intended for beginning piano students ages 12-17
- and Adult Piano Adventures is designed for adult beginners ages 18 and up
If you are interested in learning more about a piano method series for ages 7-11 (Basic Piano Adventures), be sure to check out my blog post and video review of Faber Piano Adventures!
Faber Adult Piano Adventures Piano Method Books: An In-Depth Review
Adult Piano Adventures is written by Nancy and Randall Faber, the authors of the popular Piano Adventures piano method books.
The Fabers have created this series of two all-in-one method books to replace the first few levels of the Basic Piano Adventures books for older beginners who need a faster pace and a more mature song selection.
According to the authors, My First Piano Adventure series is designed for beginning piano students age 18 and up. Personally, I have used it successfully with teens as well.
Ready to take an in-depth look into the series? I’ll use my ten categories of comparison listed above to see how Faber Adult Piano Adventures stacks up to other adult piano method books.
Pacing: Slower Pace

If we were comparing Adult Piano Adventures to other regular method book series, I would say it moves at a fast pace. But for comparison purposes, I’m going to rate the pacing of the series in comparison to other adult beginner series.
For an adult beginner piano method series, My First Piano Adventure moves along at a slower pace. I find that the “average” adult beginner student will find the pace encouraging and will likely not feel left behind at any point.
Students work through two spiral-bound all-in-one lesson books to get to a late elementary music-reading level. Once completed, a student could join the standard Piano Adventures series books at either Level 3 or Level 4, depending on if they need any review before progressing further.
We’ll discuss pacing more in each specific category to come.
Positions: Varying Hand Placements
Adult Piano Adventures Book 1

In Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Book 1, students spend only a very brief time on the black keys before resting on the white keys for the rest of the book. Students who are returning to the piano and remember what it feels like to play on the white keys can skip the first several pages and dive right in.
Adult students will need to vary their hand positions throughout the book. For some students, this can feel like a bit of a puzzle as they begin each new song. But the positions stay near each other for large portions of the book. And students will occassionally get a keyboard picture showing the hand position.
In Book 1, the hand positions rotated throughout the book are as follows:
- Middle C Position (thumbs share C)
- Neighbor Note Positions (Middle C Position with one hand moved over a step)
- C Pentascale (C Position)
- F Pentascale
- G Pentascale
- A Pentascale
- D Pentascale
In the last portion of the book, students will also be asked to extend either the thumb or pinky to reach an interval of a 6th.
Adult Piano Adventures Book 2
Faber Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Book 2 introduces full octave scales–both C major and G major. Songs require students’ right hand to flow freely within the octave scale in certain songs.
Other one-octave scales are introduced throughout Book 2. Here is a list of scales introduced:
- C major (page 12)
- G major (page 13)
- F major (page 30)
- A minor (page 87)
- D minor (page 110)
- E minor (page 144)
- D major (page 156)
Students are also asked to reach an interval of a 7th in Book 2.
Notation: Introducing Notes on the Staff Quickly
New Note Schedule Perfect for Returning Musicians

On page 28 of Faber Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One Book 1, students are given a crash course on the grand staff.
They learn two songs with note names within the note heads, and then they’re on the own!
The very next song uses traditional notation. Catch a Falling Star is their first real taste of reading notes on the staff and it uses four notes: B3, C4, D4, and E4.
For returning musicians (students that have read music previously), this will all go smoothly and they will be excited to dive into some real music-reading.
For never-before-played-any-instrument beginners, this will feel like being left floating in the deep end until they get the hang of it. Be prepared to support, supplement, and encourage through these pages with your brand-new musicians.
Note Reading Progress
From there, students are introduced to a new note every other page (more or less) until they are now reading all notes on the staff from C3 (Bass C) to G4 (Treble G).
Then the pace of note introduction slows to help students get a handle on reading those notes on the staff.
Upper treble staff notes are introduced starting on page 82 of Book 1.
Lower bass staff notes are introduced starting on page 96 of Book 1.
Ledger line notes are introduced in Book 2.
No Guide Notes?
In most of the Faber Piano Adventures series, they use the guide note system.
Guide notes (such as F3, C4, and G4) are introduced and memorized first. Then the notes in between are learned or figured as an after-thought.
If you’ve read any of my piano method reviews, you know that I’m not a fan of the guide note system for younger beginners. I feel a consecutive note introduction schedule works better with young minds and memorizing guide notes far apart does not come naturally.
I find it very interesting that the Fabers decided to forego a Guide Note approach in the Adult series. I think that if any beginning piano student could handle the guide note approach it would be adult beginners! I’m not certain why the approach is different in this series. I’d love to ask the Fabers someday!
My Opinion
I do find the note introduction approach of the Adult Piano Adventures books to be effective and logical.
Just note that the initial pacing may be too much for a total musical beginner and may require some additional resources and review.
Theory: Some Writing Included
Music Theory Pages Included
Once per unit within the Faber Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One books, they have included a Music Theory page. Usually a unit concept is reinforced and a small writing assignment is given.
In my experience, my adult students always skip these pages or feel confused by them. I have found that either we do it together in class, or it will be skipped.
I think a separate theory book can be more effective with adult students. By having students purchase an additional theory book, they feel more invested in the purpose of the book. The existence of the book is more front-of-mind, and the assignments tend to be more connected to each other.

Other Theory Books to Consider
If you’d like to consider supplementing with a different music theory book, here are some suggestions.
Music Dictionary Included
Both Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One books include an extensive music dictionary at the back of the book.
My Opinion
While I understand that value of the all-in-one method book, I wish there was a separate, more in-depth theory book available with this series.
For a student who is not very interested in theory, the Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One books will likely be fine. Just remember to explain or do the theory pages together in class.
For a student who wants to dive deeper, or needs more practice naming notes or reviewing other theory concepts, consider adding a separate music theory book.
Technique: Well-incorporated into the All-in-One books
No Technique Book
Again, no separate technique is available with the series because of the all-in-one nature of the lesson books.

3-Minute Technique Pages
Every unit includes a 3-minute technique page requiring students to learn and review a technical exercise. Scales and patterns are also sprinkled throughout the all-in-one books.
Skill Appendix in the Back
In the final pages of both all-in-one lesson books, there are great reference pages!
Book 1 shows all of the major pentascales and cross-hand arpeggios.
Book 2 shows all of the one-octave scales introduced throughout the book as well as chord reference pages.
Levels/Path: 2 Big All-in-One Books

The Faber Adult Piano Adventures series offers only two comprehensive lesson books:
- Book 1
- Book 2
Both books are nearly 200 pages in length and cover a lot of ground.
The two Adult Piano Adventures books cover roughly the same material as Faber Basic Piano Adventures Primer Level, Level 1, Level 2A, Level 2B, Level 3A, and Level 3B
After completing All-in-One Book 2, a student would transfer to Faber Piano Adventures Level 4 books if they are ready to advance.
They could also backtrack a bit for some review by going through Faber Piano Adventures Level 3B.
Aesthetics: Boring, but mature
You won’t find any cute characters, coloring pictures, or juvenile titles and lyrics in the Adult Piano Adventures books.
This is by design and serves an adult student very well.
Teen students who are ready for a more “serious” approach will also appreciate the no-fuss, grown-up look of these books.
Song Selections: Lots of Classical & Folk
Good Foundation to Get Into Classical

Almost all of the tunes used in the Faber Adult Piano Adventures books are either folk tunes or classical themes.
For a student who wants to study familiar classical pieces in the future, this will serve them perfectly.
This series is also great for students who want to learn the piano, but don’t have a specific genre they want to chase. Completing this series will give them a great foundation to go in any direction.
Not a Lot of Pop and Jazz
Be sure to interview your students before diving into Adult Piano Adventures, however. While there is some jazz and pop patterns and tunes included, it is heavier on the classical side. (Although there are Popular and Disney supplemental books now available.)
If a student specifically wants to learn jazz improvisation, for example, this may not be the best experience for them. Or if a student wants to play pop chords by ear, they may feel bored by the emphasis on note reading and classical themes these books offer.
Supplemental Books Available
The Fabers publish a handful of supplemental books to accompany both All-in-One Adult Piano Adventures books.
- Christmas Adult Book 1 & 2
- Classics Adult Book 1 & 2
- Popular Adult Book 1 & 2
- Disney Adult Book 1 & 2
- Literature for Piano Book 1
Publisher Prices
At retail price, the spiral-bound Adult Piano Adventures All-in-One books are priced at:
- All-in-One Books: $19.99 each
Ways to Save
Amazon sometimes offers discounts on these books. Check out their current prices here:
- All-in-One Book 1 – Check Amazon Price
- All-in-One Book 2 – Check Amazon Price
- Supplemental Books – Check Amazon Price
SheetMusicPlus offers occasional sales on piano method books as well as 8% cash back rebates for music teachers.
On top of the 8% rebate, you can also earn 4% back on all SheetMusicPlus purchases through Rakuten, my favorite no-fuss cashback browser extension that pays you to shop online. (Check out Rakuten here.)
You will pay shipping on SheetMusicPlus purchases, but it is reasonable.
Here’s a link to check out the prices at SheetMusicPlus (and see if they are currently having a sale!):
Local Music Store
And your local music store may offer a discount for piano teachers as well. It’s great to connect with your local music store anyways! Often they will offer workshops for piano teachers and other promotional events.
Availability: 10/10
Faber Piano Adventures is the most popular piano method book series and is readily available wherever music books are sold! You can purchase Piano Adventures books at:
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